My name is Anže Pureber. I'm a JavaScript Engineer at Infinum.
Blog posts:
- [November 30, 2021] Advent of Code 2021
- [October 31, 2021] All Hallows' Eve
- [September 30, 2021] My no-fuss bread recipe
- [August 31, 2021] Array<string> vs. string[]
- [July 31, 2021] On gardening
- [June 29, 2021] Switch cases falling through
- [May 31, 2021] const unknown: Array<unknown> = ? as unknown
- [April 30, 2021] Heap out of memory
- [March 27, 2021] What is the worst thing about UDP?
- [February 14, 2021] My two most copied lines from Stack Overflow
- [January 19, 2021] What is this and why is it here?